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Pools and Leisure
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Strength fitness classes

Something so strong

Strength training is not just about bodybuilders lifting weights in a gym. If you want to build lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, raise your metabolism and build strength, tone and definition, it might be right for you too.

The incredible bulk

Not only does it make you stronger and fitter, but strength training also protects bone health, prevents osteoporosis, helps you develop better movement and can even help manage chronic diseases.

Be a muscle sprout

You can exercise a specific muscle, or muscle group, against external resistance, including free-weights, weight machines, or harness your own body weight.

The heart is a muscle

Want a stronger heart? Strength training will do that too. It can sort out your blood pressure and triglyceride (a kind of fat found in your blood) levels, a bit like cardiovascular exercise, but wait there's more! It has even greater benefits on your high-density lipoproteins (the "good" cholesterol). So start pumping that iron!

Combat diabetes

Type 2 diabetes? Never fear, strength training can improve your muscles' ability to absorb and process glucose or blood sugar as well as lowering your body's risk of heart disease.

Attack the fat

Lifting those barbels also targets visceral fat (around the abdomen). This is the fat that increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes so the benefits are more than cosmetic.

Rip it up

However, if building your biceps and getting a coveted six-pack is your goal, strength training will make it happen too!


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