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Pools and Leisure
Side image women with medicine ball

Rehab friendly classes

Get back on track

If you've suffered an injury or illness and are ready to ease back into your routine, exercise and rehabilitation can play a key part in your recovery.

One step at a time

Exercise is the gold standard in rehabilitation but is often overlooked. The goal is to restore full function following injury by restoring muscle strength, endurance, power, and improving flexibility.

Everybody hurts

The body has an incredible ability to heal itself. That’s what makes exercise such a powerful tool. Not only does exercising provide pain relief, but it can help the body build itself up and protect against further injury.

Putting the physical back into therapy

Our rehab friendly classes are an easy reintroduction to the group fitness environment. They're no to low impact, focus on core work to help with balance and stability. They provide a host of other benefits, like boosting strength, endurance, mobilisation, and pain relief to name just a few!

Healing powers

Whether you prefer the gentle resistance of water-based exercise, or prefer to get your stretch on by trying one of our many yoga varieties, make sure you check in with your doctor before you begin lacing up your sneakers or putting on your bathing suit.


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